Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Seat Saved

Jesus knew His time was coming.  He didn't run from death.  He walked right into the face of it when He rode into Jerusalem.  He knew what He was doing; that He would be riling the Pharisees and Saducees just enough to send them over the edge.  In facing death, He spoke boldly.  He walked right into the temples and overturned the tables of the money changers.  Death or life, He ran His ministry the same way.

I might be going out on a limb here, because maybe I am a rare breed prone to morbidity, but I find myself contemplating what I would be like if I was dying- the kind of dying where I have a few sands left in the hourglass, but enough that I can get a few things accomplished before I'm taken.  I know you might think I'm choosing the wrong word when I say I sometimes daydream about it, because we imagine daydreams to be happy places and happy thoughts, but I daydream about it.  I think to myself, "If I was dying, maybe then I would have the boldness of spirit that I so lack now to tell people about the life-giving love of Christ."  Maybe they would listen, because the words of the dying are weightier.

The morning after the temple altercation, Jesus is heading back into Jerusalem with His disciples.  He goes to a fig tree to satiate His hunger, and finding only a leafy tree, He curses the tree and it withers.  Here's a thought: He could have just as easily commanded the tree to bring forth fruit.  He was, after all, hungry and cursing the tree brought Him no closer to resolve.  So why this elaborate display?  It wasn't at all about the tree, but the emptiness of the religious with their leafy coverups.  Might I add that the tree didn't get a death warning?  It was found useless and immediately cursed to an eternal useless state.  I don't know... does that give anybody else a sinking feeling in the pit of their stomach?!

Can I just pretend to be bold here for a minute and ask you a challenging question?  What if Christ walked up to you today looking for some fruit; what would He find?  I keep asking myself that question.  The truth about me- the absolute, full self-examination truth- is that I treat Jesus an awful lot like a seat saver.  I've asked Him to save me a place in Heaven, but I haven't really joined Him for the pre-game.

And the real truth about Him is He's not just a seat-saver.  He wants to partner with us here on Earth to bear some real fruit for hungry and lost souls.  And it takes a bold witness to do that.  The kind that walks into the temple when the political arena is already heated and turns over the tables.  He ruffled feathers, okay?  He wasn't always this soft-spoken, warm and fuzzy Jesus that gets painted today.

The truth is the truth hurts and if I speak it, it might ruffle a few feathers.  Probably a lot of them.  And that's probably why I don't speak it boldly enough.  I'm not a feather ruffler, never have been.  I'm more of a seat saver.  I like to think, "Okay, I see we disagree. I'll just sit here waiting for your return.  Hoping and praying that you do!  I'll save you a seat!"

So let me say as I step away from my seat- He's right here among us.  Right now.  Even this week with all of the politically charged and angry energy.  He's right here.  He's not just hanging out in Heaven waiting for your arrival.  He's in our midst, searching for fruit.  And there are a lot of empty trees with supposed leafy goodness.  I'm speaking to Christians here, because a fig tree should produce figs and a Christian should produce Christ.  That is our job; to reveal Him to those who don't know Him.

I would like you to meet Him.  More than anything I would like you to know Him.  I get too scared most of the time to say it, because there are a lot of things that Christians have done that make people squirm in their seats or run in the other direction.  I get it.  I've probably caused some squirming myself. Anybody who knew me in high school- I'm sorry.  I'm mostly sorry because I called myself a Christian and poorly represented the name.  It is the most harmful act a "Christian" can commit.  I wasn't perfect then.  I'm certainly not perfect now.  I feel as though I am only at the beginning of letting God be the good work in me, but can you not let me get in the way of seeing Him?  Judge me how you want, but don't judge Him by my actions or anyone else's.  

So here's my fruit, small as it is: Ask me about Jesus.  I think I've been saving seats and forgot to put out an invitation.  Pull up a chair and let's start a dialogue about what He means to me.  I've been saving you a seat.

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