Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mountain Moved

Sometimes I feel like there is some sort of plug between my brain and my hands that stops up the flow of words swimming in my brain that are trying to get out on paper.  My blog entry from last week, "Moving Mountains," was actually a river of emotion that had been dammed for several weeks before I could express it.  In layman's term, I suffer from frequent "writer's block," but I am more convinced God is behind it.

I have often humbly considered and hoped that God has worked through this blog.  As a member of the Blogger community, I am able to view statistics regarding the number of reads my blog gets.  Of specific interest to me, I can see internet word searches that landed on my blog.  A number of times I have blogged about a topic and discovered searches with that specific content in mind, made within hours of posting, that are guided to my blog.  In these moments, I feel very certain that God intended me to write for that individual.

It was weeks ago that I began to feel like a burdensome mountain in the way of God's work.  It was so evident to me that it was preposterous how difficult I found it to reflect the thought on paper.  Writing is all about release for me; an idea seems to grow in my head, budging room for the thinking that is necessary for daily functioning until I free them on paper and find myself able to think again.  Yet, the words would not form with many a revisited effort.  So I left the inspiration tucked in my draft folder, a folder I very rarely reopen.  I am a one-draft kind of girl as proofreading assuredly leads me to believe that my writing is garbage.

So there the mountain-of-an-idea sat for several weeks in my draft box, while I blogged away about other topics.  One day while reviewing the traffic sources that lead to my blog, I was very sobered by the word search hits for that week- "Has God seen me in eternity?," "Shame of sin, unworthy of God's love," "Do we have miracles in everyday life?," and "Why do I struggle with doubt in Christ?"  My heart felt weighted by the thought that these people were seeking God on the internet, and a blog that I wrote might be a chance at finding Him.  Who were they?  Where were they?  What lead them?  And most heavily I considered, "Why me?"  Why did God lead them to me?  And had I sufficiently assured them of His grace and love?  To think that I have taken this blog lightly at times...

Suddenly, the mountain started moving.  I typed away at my thoughts of standing in the way of God's work in me and through me.  I confessed that I feel there are often deep roots linking my behind to a chair, making me a more sturdy mountain than Everest.  The idea was released and my mind set free as I clicked the orange "Publish Post" button.  An hour later, God revealed just the kind of work He can do in moving mountains- two people had searched the topic "moving mountains" and landed on my blog.

What my blog did or did not do for these people, I will never know.  What I do know is that God works through the offerings of His children when those offerings have been made according to His will.  My "two cents" offerings may not seem like much value to this world, as I am not an acclaimed writer or an educated theologian, but as a mere housewife, God can take what I offer in my writing to touch the heart of a reader and make it invaluable, only because He is behind it.

That power is in you, too.  God has equipped you to make offerings in His Name that will do immeasurable good to the soul of another.  It may be disguised in the simple- a hug, a word of encouragement, a warm meal- but given in His Name, it has the power to be miraculous.  Don't consider yourself to be a miracle-worker?  Take a step in His Name and see where it leads you.  

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